Scott and Kevin's Super Happy Fun Site!

Page of Random Stuffs
Demotivational Posters
Silly Game Sayings
Scott's Characters
Kevin's NPCs
Kevin's Characters
Tomb of Forgotten Heroes
Campaign Log

This site is constantly under change, and I'm more than willing to take suggestions. Send all suggestions to . But remember, it might go to my junk box, so I might not read it, or I might not like the suggestion, so your ideas might be appreaciated, but that doesn't mean they'll happen.

For the one person that reads this site: why? All secret messages for the association have been removed, and only one trace remains. That trace is this mention of the secret messages. Go figure.
-the Scott

Alright, this website is mostly for D&D stuff, like character info, and what's going on in my world. But, there is also stuff for those who don't partake in our nerd games, but only if you more or less share our unique sense of humour.

Before anybody will be allowed to join my games, they must read and know these rules below. You must obey them, and although you are most likely my friend, I will still kick you out if you don't.

Campaign Rules

Will this site contain the accidenturous deeds of the Kevin and Scott? Maybe.

Home of Kenaria, a world where a quick wit and glib tongue are far deadlier than the mightiest of blades, where one man may stand before an entire army and emerge victorious, and where the gods themselves take part in the everyday lives of their worshippers.

"Some friendships go deeper than madness or common sense"-Ship of Destiny by Robin Hobb