Here are the events of the War of the Young Gods:
(as known by the humans)
914: Nerull's avatar appears in the southeast country of halflings along with a massive horde of the undead
917: Halflings have been all but wiped out, Nerull has taken their valley
919 February 12-27: Siege of Mount Conundrum, Nerull's forces have been turned back by ingenious gnome technology
919 June 5-July 7: Gnomes launch a counter-attack, retaking their mountains but getting no further
919 August 15: Nerull's priesthood completes a ritual that raises three fortresses into the air, and begin their attack
on the forest homes of the elves
919 December 18: All of the elven citadels, save three, have been destroyed because of the elves' outdated fighting techniques
920 January 2: Grummsh allies with Nerull, and Moradin joins Correllon Larethian and Ehlonna
920 February 9: Boccob takes the magic of the gods away from them in an attemp to stop the war
920 March 21: Hextor, in the midst of the fighting, decides that it is now his chance to destroy Heironneus, and enters
the world
920 April 7: Hextor secures a stronghold along the Great River and begins raising a mighty army
921: Intense fighting all over, most elves have retreated to their capital, and all gnomes have retreated to Mount Conundrum
922 July 15: At exactly noon, Boccob takes away the divine magic of the gods, further hindering the gods' influence on
the world, now they will have to become mortal to continue fighting
922 July 16: A boat from Ithidor bearing Mirumoto Rei lands at Kasucha
922 July 29: Rei and his companion Lias enter the Tomb of the Forgotten King, Lias perishes but Rei is saved by Larthias
(Correllon Larethian in mortal form) and taken to elf lands
922 August 7: Rei finally meets up with Keiken, who is teaching the elves the way of the samurai
922 August 31: Rei falls to an orc ambush during a simple recon mission
922 September 19: Sir Wilhelm and his escort are sunk on their way to Crystalmyr City, Wilhelm and three others survive
922 September 20-November 12: More fighting, the Elven Army is on the move to the east led by Ardalis Brightflame and
Koga Keiken, Hextor's army controls Crystalmyr Lake and begins its siege of the island
922 November 18-29: Lizardmen gather and establish the city-state Sarliss and begin subjugating the surrounding area under
their rule
922 December 25: One of the remaining Elven Citadels, Caer Trintar's mythal falls, allowing the forces of Nerull to enter
the city
922 December 31: Caer Trintar is completely destroyed by Nerull's forces
923 January 4: Pools of raw chaos appear all across Londar, Selhe falls in to one and lives, becoming the world's first
Chaos Mage
923 February 16: Selhe regains part of his memory, and begins his journey to Hope's End
923 March 2: Selhe and his companions are attacked on their way across Crystalmyr Lake, but repel the sahuagin raiders
923 March 7: The forces of Nerull utterly destroy the front gate of Hope's End, and enter the city, all remaining Elf-friends
go into hiding within the city
923 March 11: Selhe reaches the eastern shore of the Lake, and meet up with the Elf advance forces
923 March 31: The west wall of Hope's End is breached by Selhe, and the advance forces establish a headquarters in the
923 March 31-August 12: The siege of Hope's End, during the fighting Selhe dies
923 August 13: The Elven Army is pushed out of Hope's End and forced to retreat
923 August 17: The people of Glacier Pass reluctantly agree to resupply the Elf forces, but do not let them stay in the
923 August 24: A group of adventurers take on a job to slay a mighty hydra in Kasucha
923 September 5: The adventurers make it to the island lair of the hydra, losing a few members on the way
923 September 7: The first fight with the hydra ends with disastrous results, and a couple more of the band of adventurers
923 September 10: The remaining adventurers slay the hydra and claim the island, as well as the client's tower
923 September 29: The adventurers return to Kasucha to collect their reward and inform the client that they are keeping
the tower
923 October 16: Warren, one of the adventurers, is visited by Mystra, the Ancient Goddess of Magic, in a dream and is
urged to go to the Tomb of Forgotten Heroes to restore magic to Londar
923 December 25: After a great many struggles, Warren and his companions, now down to only one woman, enter the Tomb,
Warren sacrifices his life to bring magic into the world once again, but is revived by the magical burst of energy
924 January 12: Warren returns to Kasucha for a much-deserved break
924 January 21: Halfling Deathseekers find Warren and beseech him to help them, as an assassin has been hounding them
and killing their group one by one
924 January 27: Warren's group fails to protect the Halflings, because they are busy ridding the prison below the courthouse
of the undead, but decide to take revenge on the assassin
924 February 12: Thanks to Mystra's guidance, Warren learns that Lathiari is behind the assassination, as well as the
prison attack
924 February 21: By calling out Lathiari, Warren's party gets him to send the assassin to their position, they kill it
in a long, drwn out fight, but lose Dave, a mighty barbarian in the battle
924 March 3: Enraged by the loss of his friend, Warren orders a strike directly at Lathiari, they infiltrate the city
of Namann, and are utterly decimated by Lathiari, Warren narrowly escapes alone
924 March 3: Warren teleports to Corneria, only to find every living person, save one, has been killed by the Triad
924 March 17: Warren returns to Kasucha, finding it in ruins, Lathiari had launched a raid on the city
924 March 21: Warren find the survivors along the shore to the east of the city, but cannot remain with them, Warren heads
home to Khandrax
924 April 20: Warren returns to his home in Khandrax, and finally earns a respite from the fighting and death
924 May 27: Nolan the gnome finds Warren, and practically begs him to help the Elves, he explains to him about the devioce
the gnomes have created and how it is capable of destroying the Triad
924 June 9: Warren's party saves the Totemic Barbarians from drought by killing an air elemental and ending a storm at
the only lake in their home
924 June 19: Warren and his companions reach Naviron and link up with the Elf Friends gathered there, they plan an assault
to break the siege of Crystalmyr City
Map of Londar