Scott and Kevin's Super Happy Fun Site!

Demotivational Posters

Page of Random Stuffs
Demotivational Posters
Silly Game Sayings
Scott's Characters
Kevin's NPCs
Kevin's Characters
Tomb of Forgotten Heroes
Campaign Log

Scott did this. All of it. Kevin cannot be blamed for doing anything except encouraging it and appreciating it... and being in a couple of them.

Barret's a pretty fly guy.

I know I don't have one.

Smite much?


This is Kevin. He works with children.

I believe it is!

I'm hiding behind Jesse.

Try Fonzie again. You did better with that.

This makes Jordan sound cooler than he really is.

And it wasn't booty.

You saw it! You can't un-see it!

They should lock these guys up and trash the keys!

Look at my dirty hands!

Here are de-motivational posters I made, using pictures of people I know, or that I am.

Yeah. I'm topless on the internet. What're you gonna do about it?

You can do it, too!

If you disagree with me, that's your problem. Everyone is entitled to my opinion.