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Laura Greenleaf

She is the lieutenant in change of the Elf advance forces, a half-elf ranger/rogue. Again, the party knows very little about her (they tend not to talk much to NPCs), but that may change as she is now giving them orders directly, instead of Ardalis directing them through the comm. crystal.

Hurray, the party knows a tiny little bit more about an NPC! I'm so proud of you guys. *tear*
Anyways, they now know that she had indeed survived the Battle of Hope's End, and is now heading up a large remnant of Elf-Friends (Aelfelwyne, to those who have pointy ears) in Naviron. She spearheaded the Elf-Friend attack intended to break the siege of Crystalmyr City, and is in charge of one of three divisions for the battle. That's really about all the party knows now, but atleast it's an improvement!

A half-elf with a high rank in the Elf armies? How odd...