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Nolan the Gnome

He's the first gnome to be seen since a couple years back when the gnomes all fled into Mount Conundrum. He has emerged, the self-proclaimed "Ambassador of Garl Glittergold and Advisor to the Allied Forces of Londar." Yes, he does use the whole title and never shortens it.
He came all of a sudden to Khandrax, seeking Warren, with a crack-pot idea of blowing up the Triad with a device that the gnomes had made. He has an actually pretty sound strategy, or atleast it would be if not for the fact that it ultimately hinges on this small ball-thing being able to actually destroy not just one god, but three! Of course, he has assured everybody that it will indeed kill all three of the Triad, and that the one detonating the device will be perfectly safe (except for the mass of enemies that will surely be pissed that their gods are dead).

A gnome! With a machine-gun crossbow! SWEET!