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Master Mage Warren Ted, Brilliant Tactician and Ally to the Elves

The grumpiest good guy in years: Warren Ted.
Name: Warren Ted (pun intended.)
Race: Plain ol' Human.
Class: Magician
Height: 6 feet tall (mages gotta be tall. It's in the rulebook)
Gender: Male, because I refuse to pretend I can be anything else. Y chromosome is there for a reason, thankyouverymuch.
Hair: Brown, cut short and covered by a hat. There are also patches missing when the hat gets hungry.
Weight: Enough
Eyes: Two. No more, no less
Sanity: Only after the morning coffee.
Handedness: Lefty
Personality: Once a more respectful, kind and generally generous man, he has had friend after friend die in front of him. That has made him more than a little cynical and grumpy. He tends to be impatient, rude, brusque but always works for the greater good. Despite the fact that he has been travelling for roughly eleven years now, he still respects and loves his family and feels guilty for the supposed death of his sister, Sedaya Ted (again, pun intended).
History: Previously a traveller of some ten years, Warren did fairly little other than adventure, play his mandolin for cash and teach. When the magic was revoked, he sought to teach his newer, though unreliable, methods of casting. He travelled Londar and the nearby lands in his signature carriage that was given to him from some gypsy friends. Currently, Warren is in the service of the Goddess Mystra, acting as her Magister and performing good deeds in her name, blah blah blah. Since entering her service, he has had more of his companions die than ever before, and he groups one of his sisters into this catagory. Among the deeds that have lost him friends are the slaying of a dragon, a strike at Lathiari/Radamanthus, and generally the other assorted accidentures (accidents+adventures mind you) an adventurer encounters. Within the last two weeks, he has finally returned home for the funeral of his sister, Sedaya and spent time with his efferfescent older brother, N. Flay Ted and older sister, A. Bree V. A. Ted. There are two more Teds wandering the countryside, the renegade soldier Juan Ted (again, pun intended) and the much teased Ton Ted.

Note- Scott may add more information on him, and he most likely will, as soon as I tell him to.

Why won't you die!? Oh, you finally did? Darn...