Presenting the one, the only.... SELHE TELLORI!
Race: High Elf
Class: level 8 Chaos Mage, formerly a Ranger
Age: 153
Sanity; no thanks.
Height: 5'2
Hair: Long and Blonde, he's an elf, go figure
Gender: Male
Weight: he's an elf! We're just lucky that when he lost his muscle he didn't have to be bolted down when the wind picked
Eyes: O.o... my sheet says "Still got 'em"
Handedness: Right
Personality/History: Selhe Tellori was a freakin' spaz. To add to that, he was reckless and did not know how to stop.
His best defense was a crazy offense filled with spells until he passed out or died, or both (or, according to him, all three).
Of course, he also had amnesia and was attacked by a chicken, stoned and fell into a pool. A POOL OF CHAOS, that is. This
made him the first chaos mage. Already, his former quirky behavior had been augmented by his steps along his path of chaos.
Insanity paid off, until death.
History: Before falling into the pool of chaos, Selhe was a mounted ranger in the Elven army. His rank was low but he
was an effective scout and warrior. He travelled alot after his trip into chaos and re-joined the Elf army. His skills were
employed at Hope's End, where he fell victim to a T-Rex bite. But he took it with him! How's them apples, suckah?!
Note- Scott may update him, blah blah blah. Seeing a pattern by now?